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universidade lusófona


Check the list of the project's scientific-pedagogical outputs here.

[Capítulo I.2.] Enquadramentos e Contextos Legais Transnacionais da Empregabilidade e Deficiência Intelectual

Título do Capítulo: Enquadramentos e Contextos Legais Transnacionais da Empregabilidade e Deficiência Intelectual


Júlia Pereira - Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, Portugal
Carla Sousa - Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, Portugal
Andreia Matos - Adapt4you, Portugal
Stefano Cobello - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, Itália
Elena Milli - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, Itália
Gülce Güner - Wise Academy, Suécia
Emre Hüseyin Yiğit - Wise Academy, Suécia
Gülben Cura - Yoncalar Association, Turquia
Şenay Kızılkum - Yoncalar Association, Turquia

[Capítulo I.1.] Introdução - Empoderamento através da Empregabilidade: uma Introdução ao Projeto No Barriers

Título do Capítulo: Empoderamento através da Empregabilidade: uma Introdução ao Projeto No Barriers


Carla Sousa - Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, Portugal

[Conference Paper] Perceptions of Inclusion Professionals on Employability of Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: a Transnational Study

Title: Perceptions of Inclusion Professionals on Employability of Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: a Transnational Study

Abstract: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) face significant employment barriers, driven by societal biases, a lack of recognition of their abilities, and inadequate institutional policies. Addressing this requires transforming training professionals and the education system to embrace inclusive and adaptive practices. This transnational study aims to explore the perceptions of professionals in the field of inclusion of people with IDD about employability, investigating three specific aspects: (a) the pedagogical needs of trainers in this field; (b) reasonable accommodation as a structuring factor for a more inclusive world of work; and (c) the assessment and monitoring models in the labour context for people with IDD. With these objectives in mind, 43 professionals working daily with people with IDD in Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Türkiye were surveyed using an online questionnaire, with a set of multiple-choice questions based on previous comprehensive research on the employability of individuals with IDD. The obtained results highlight the importance of social skills and interpersonal communication in vocational training for individuals with IDD, particularly in Türkiye, while also noting Sweden's focus on problem-solving skills and Italy's emphasis on adaptive and self-care skills. The research reveals a preference for adaptive and personalized learning plans, especially in Portugal, Italy, and Sweden, indicating a shift towards customized educational strategies for learners with IDD. Furthermore, the study underscores the challenges in workplace accommodation due to a lack of employer awareness and the need for targeted training in countries like Türkiye, Italy, and Portugal, advocating for a broader adoption of assistive technologies to foster inclusive work and learning environments.

Full publication AVAILABLE HERE

No Barriers to Employment - Training Materials [English Version]

The following training materials have been developed on the basis of the project's Programme Book and do not dispense with the need to consult them in full.

The materials are intended to facilitate the training of trainers, teachers, and other professionals in the field of Intellectual Disability to implement more inclusive everyday practices.

  • Session 1: Empowerment through Language, Inclusive Models, and Activism: Nurturing Inclusion for Individuals with Intellectual Disability [DOWNLOAD]
  • Session 2: Accessible and Inclusive Communication in the Workplace [DOWNLOAD]
  • Session 3: Employment Models and Best Practices for the Inclusion of Individuals with Intellectual Disability [DOWNLOAD]
  • Session 4: Recruitment and Job Coaching for and with Intellectual Disability [DOWNLOAD]
  • Session 5: Supporting Workplace Inclusion: Reasonable Accommodations and Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Intellectual Disability [DOWNLOAD]
  • Session 6: Analogue Game-Based Learning to Address Underemployment of People with Intellectual Disability: Resources and Best Practices [DOWNLOAD]

No Barriers: Estratégias e Boas Práticas para a Empregabilidade de Pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual

Resumo [Versão Portuguesa]

Na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência é mencionada a necessidade de inclusão das pessoas com deficiência no local de trabalho. Além disso, a inclusão de Pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual no mercado de trabalho desafia as convenções capacitistas e abraça a diversidade como um acelerador da justiça social e do crescimento económico.
Os esforços de cooperação do Projeto No Barriers to Employment mostram ainda mais os intrincados cenários legais, sociais e pedagógicos que influenciam a inclusão profissional das Pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual em diferentes países e demonstram um empenho em reformular o trabalho de uma forma que valorize todos.
Nem este livro nem qualquer outro deve oferecer instruções sobre como “normalizar” a vida das pessoas com deficiência intelectual de modo a que se integrem na força de trabalho. Em vez disso, os livros devem começar por desenvolver métodos para reconhecer as qualidades únicas das pessoas, de modo a que essas diferenças sejam incorporadas na definição de trabalho na sociedade atual.

[Appendix A] Need Analysis Questionnaire

Appendix A - Need Analysis Questionnaire


Carla Sousa - Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal
Júlia Pereira - Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal
Cátia Casimiro - Lusófona University, CICANT; HEI-Lab, Portugal