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universidade lusófona

[Appendix A] Need Analysis Questionnaire

Appendix A - Need Analysis Questionnaire


Carla Sousa - Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal
Júlia Pereira - Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal
Cátia Casimiro - Lusófona University, CICANT; HEI-Lab, Portugal 


This Need Analysis Questionnaire aims to gather perceptions about the needs for full labour inclusion of People with Intellectual Disability. Developed within the framework of the European project No Barriers to Employment (2022-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000089826), it was designed to be applied to people with disabilities or others who work in the field of inclusion and whose experience allows them to understand and provide valuable self-perceptions on the topic explored. It is important to emphasise that it is part of a preparatory phase of a project focused on intervention, training and capacity building for professionals in the field, so its psychometric properties have not been systematically studied. Exploratory data from its online application in Italy, Portugal, Sweden, and Türkiye is presented in Chapter 2 of Part I of this book. As a final remark, the team would like to emphasise the importance of revisiting this and other instruments to develop versions of them in accessible language, which will encourage their cognitive accessibility and the participation of People with Intellectual Disability in the scientific research process (Casimiro et al., 2023; McDonald et al., 2023).

Download the Questionnaire [English]

Cite as: Sousa, C., Pereira, J., & Casimiro, C. (2024). Appendix A - Need Analysis Questionnaire. In C. Sousa, J. Pereira, & C. Casimiro (Eds.), No Barriers: Strategies and Best Practices for the Employment of Individuals with Intellectual Disability (pp. 147-155). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.