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universidade lusófona


The No Barriers to Employment Project (2022-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000089826) adopts a multistakeholder vision, with a consortium representing formal education, non-formal education, higher education and institutions related to social inclusion.

Yoncalar Association (Türkiye)

The primary purpose of the association is to foster a culture of cooperation and solidarity for all marginalized groups in society, including people with disabilities, women, youth, and older adults. It works to empower individuals with disabilities to actively participate in socio-economic life.

Wise Academy (Sweden) - Coordinator

Wise Academy promotes the active participation of people by giving them access and the tools to realize their potentials and to provide them support in discovering their path to develop their skills by using non-formal education and intercultural learning methods.

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza (Italy)

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - Istituto Comprensivo di Bosco Chiesanuova is a public body, non-profit network of educational institutions (about 4000 organizations at the national level): schools of every order and degree, universities, adult education organizations, regional administrations, VET schools, NGOs, and cooperatives. Europole (acronym of the network) works for European social and educational inclusion. Its main fields of activity are promoting the European dimension and inclusion through workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships, and projects.

Lusófona University, CICANT (Portugal)

The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT; results from the combined efforts of Lusófona University (Lisbon and Porto) researchers in the field towards the goal of creating an autonomous research unit which promotes theoretical and applied research at the cross of media, society, literacies, arts, culture and technologies. In the last years, CICANT has been developing a set of projects regarding media inclusion as a fundamental precursor to a democratic and egalitarian society.