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[Chapter II.2.] Accessible and Inclusive Communication in the Workplace

Chapter Title: Accessible and Inclusive Communication in the Workplace


Stefano Cobello - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, Italy
Elena Milli - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, Italy   


This chapter provides an overview of the core principles and strategies for attaining accessible and inclusive communication in professional environments. Therefore, it underscores the significance of simplicity, clarity, and respect in ensuring that information exchange is accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. The main subjects covered are adjusting communication styles to cater to different requirements, employing various methods of communication, and the importance of feedback and adaptation in improving comprehension. Ultimately, the chapter promotes a proactive stance towards inclusivity, with the goal of establishing a work environment where each person is esteemed and capable of making meaningful contributions.
Keywords: Accessible Communication; Inclusive Practices; Multimodal Communication; Workplace Diversity; Adaptation and Feedback.

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Relevance of the Chapter for People with Intellectual Disability (PwID): This chapter holds particular relevance for PwID, as it outlines the importance of creating communication strategies that accommodate diverse cognitive abilities and learning styles. By emphasising simplicity, clarity, and the use of multimodal communication methods, the chapter provides a blueprint for crafting messages that are accessible to PwID, ensuring they can effectively understand, participate in, and contribute to professional environments. The focus on adapting communication styles, employing visual aids, and on assistive technologies underscores a commitment to inclusivity, enabling PwID to navigate the workplace in a more confident and autonomous manner.

Cite as: Cobello, S., & Milli, E. (2024). Accessible and Inclusive Communication in the Workplace. In C. Sousa, J. Pereira, & C. Casimiro (Eds.), No Barriers: Strategies and Best Practices for the Employment of Individuals with Intellectual Disability (pp. 75-85). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.